Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vocals on the fly

My method of lyric writing is two-fold, as I've mentioned before. I write lots of "lyrics" and notes in my book, but the reality is that when it comes time to actually laying down vocal tracks, all these "lyrics" and notes simply become a list of ideas for the song, or sometimes nothing at all and I turn in a different direction. The usual turn is that I record live, improvisation style, and repeat over and over again until the right words find themselves to match the sound and flow of the song, emotion to emotion. I've often wondered how others do it, and if there is a tried and true better method to it, but for the time being I'm content with my way. The song "Home" has been, and is, a challenge in terms of the lyrics as there is message to it. Without me wanting to be overly specific in the words, as I find that tends to cause results I prefer not, I've spent much thought on a more subtle if not metaphorical approach. Words are important to me, and grasping language and meaning very relevant to my needs. Far too many cause relief songs that I've listen to sound or appear slapped together and rushed, and I really would hate for this to fall into that category and so some patience and a constant review is always in order. "Home" is inching ever closer to completion (or so I'm leading myself to believe,) and the feedback on this one is much anticipated. I love a good challenge, and "Home" has fit the bill.


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