Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Call [poem]

The Call
500 times I've heard your call,
Each night that passes another to fall,
Though you may think I hear you not,
Through dreams never-ending you call a lot,
Wondering in silence if I am still around,
Listen to the answer it's within the sound,
That I am always aware and hear every cry,
Lest another life passes before you try,
To make amends you should make haste,
Before to dust a future too late.
                                           - Geoff Mills, June 2010

As a person who believes strongly in the need to expand and challenge his own vocabulary I do my best to read and write as much as possible, especially these days as I work on the album, and continually edit the lyrics I have penned. I find a certain enjoyment in turning a thought to poem or verse, be it of simple passing or of something that lingers in my mind and as the above poem has. When I have dreams that nightly walk along the same theme, it indicates to me that I must pick up my notebook and write. The Call was written this morning after another night of recurring dream of theme, not the same dream itself, and is my interpretation of it. I have wondered many times over the years if we communicate with one another when we dream, and are just not aware of it because rarely do people discuss their previous night's dreams with anyone on a consistent basis to seek patterns or similarities. Despite what knowledge we as human beings have garnered over the years, dreams are something that we still can only attempt to interpret. We do not truly know for fact their full meanings, the reasons why or the level of consciousness that we undergo during dreams. We participate within them in strange ways and despite the interactions are upon awakening only the spectator. If a dream can actually make The Call to another; then answer.

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