Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Your Song" - the video shoot approaches

The dates have now been set for the video shoot for the track "Your Song" and as I look at the calendar of what needs to be done between now and then, the excitement, anticipation and nerves begin to rise in waves of harmony. As this is my first ever experience in doing such a thing, I am amazed at just how much time and effort goes into these types of projects. Sitting on the viewers side of the television, as most all of us are limited to, we fail to realize how many talented people it takes to pull something like this off. Luckily, I have been extremely fortunate thus far, to have a group of people willing to donate time and energies, and am eternally grateful and indebted to them for these efforts. An incredible learning experience this is.

We are planning a behind-the-scenes making of for this video alongside the actual shoot so I look forward to sharing those clips and items with everyone. Sharing is key in this industry! I do hope you'll tag along for the ride, and as we near the day I will have more and more to share with you.


Oh and if you have a moment, please vote for me in the EMI Music search. There is a widget here on my blog that you can use, or you can text MILLS to 79999. Every vote helps, truly.

.. and here is an exclusive link to "Your Song" that will also allow you to download an MP3 copy! I hope you will enjoy, share and perhaps add it to an iPod or playlist here and there.  (courtesy of SoundCloud)  LINK


1 comment:

  1. I liek teh idea of "the excitement, anticipation and nerves begining to rise in waves of harmony", it sounds good actually! I feel these kidn of emotionas are what make us move forward, because they make us feel especially alive... Don't you think?

    Great news about teh music video! It's indeed not easy to see how much thougth and work goes into a shiny finish product, be it a music video, a book, a movie, a restaraunt meal, a house... Anything! And I guess the shiner the result the easier it seems to have been made, but I guess usually it's really the opposite.

    I'm listening to your "Who I Am" right now, btw - feels very relaxign at this very moment!
