Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Your Song" - the video shoot approaches

The dates have now been set for the video shoot for the track "Your Song" and as I look at the calendar of what needs to be done between now and then, the excitement, anticipation and nerves begin to rise in waves of harmony. As this is my first ever experience in doing such a thing, I am amazed at just how much time and effort goes into these types of projects. Sitting on the viewers side of the television, as most all of us are limited to, we fail to realize how many talented people it takes to pull something like this off. Luckily, I have been extremely fortunate thus far, to have a group of people willing to donate time and energies, and am eternally grateful and indebted to them for these efforts. An incredible learning experience this is.

We are planning a behind-the-scenes making of for this video alongside the actual shoot so I look forward to sharing those clips and items with everyone. Sharing is key in this industry! I do hope you'll tag along for the ride, and as we near the day I will have more and more to share with you.


Oh and if you have a moment, please vote for me in the EMI Music search. There is a widget here on my blog that you can use, or you can text MILLS to 79999. Every vote helps, truly.

.. and here is an exclusive link to "Your Song" that will also allow you to download an MP3 copy! I hope you will enjoy, share and perhaps add it to an iPod or playlist here and there.  (courtesy of SoundCloud)  LINK


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Been how long? Yikes.

It has been some time since I've updated my blog, as I glance at the last post date. Yikes. However there is a good reason for it, being that I have needed a writing break in all aspects of my life, including music, in order to recharge some creative batteries that were running on very low due to overuse. During this downtime however, I have not sat idle, and am happy to announce that I am in production on my first music video, with an extremely talented director by the name of Alp Altiner whose credits to date have given me a great rush on this upcoming shoot. As it is the first time I have been involved in such a production the learning curve is fast and steep, but well worth the stresses, anxieties and certainly excitement it has and continues to create within me. One of those "so much to do, so little time" scenarios that both give and take of the energies required.

The time that I have taken off from writing and thus completing some tracks that are waiting for finishing already, is not an easy thing for any writer. A sense of idleness and stagnation can creep in and make one feel a bit, well... lazy and somewhat down. I guess those are the closest descriptive words I can muster for that feeling. Yet I find those down times equally as important as the whirlwind of pen to paper and hands to keyboard times, for the following reason: the time is needed to clear the mind so that I'm writing of things anew and not of things past. New experiences always help as well, of which I've thankfully enjoyed many of late, and have made some wonderful new connections, some undoubtedly lifelong, along the way. As not to write too much about not writing, I will keep it short and sweet, but I will will say this. Some great new music is on the way my friends, especially for those that like to move their feet, and share a little rhythm time with one another. ;)

As for the video - oh my - lot's on the way for that too! A behind the scenes video is also being made, a funky upcoming photo shoot, and a wee bit more :D

Peace, peace, peace.

The amazing works of Alp Altiner can be found here on his official site:
Be sure to check out his IMDB credits as well. Cool stuff!